Astrology of the Nine Palaces Prophetic interpretation
2025 th. Year of the green snake. Number Star of the Year - 4 (2)
HOROSCOPES Numbers Stars
Note 1. To build a horoscope, you need to use this year’s Card and the Universal Card to determine the Number of the House of Birth (this is the number of the house in which your Year of Birth Number is located when you look at the Birth Month) - Interpretation card. 2. The annual Number-Star is on the heading of the Card of the year, and the monthly number is in the heading of the column of the month; These numbers are necessary to determine the effect of numbers on the human subconscious. The meaning of these numbers can also be found in the Interpretation. 3. About using a horoscope. The number of the house you were born in can be found in the Codes document. Knowing what house you were born in, you can see all the houses in which people are in horoscopes. You are interested in your house. Houses in horoscopes change their place, sometimes approaching, sometimes moving away from the dominant house, which is at the top of the page. This is a very important house. In this house, there are people who have power in society, wealth and miracles are subject to them. The closer your house is to this Dominant House, the more your life improves. Getting to the top of the page, you can do a lot for yourself and for people. _____________ Private property: unborn children and those who passed away prematurely (before 60 years) from the World of Sun - to the World of Darkness. |