Personality - Man
Date of Birth:
Year-1946, Month-04, Day-06, Hours-19:00-21:00 min.

10206 (1946) year - Red Dog.

Pillars: year - F/E, month - W/L, day - M/M, hour - L/E.
Constellation: 1. Number of year - 2 (4).

Ancestors: Heavenly trunk F - Horse, Earthly branch E - Dog.

Constellation of the year - 1 Rog.
The general adjective meaning is favorable.
Element Tree. Planet Jupiter. Day Thursday. Animal Smooth dragon.
Symbolizes the beginning of spring. Promotes the reproduction of animals and the flowering of plants. Patron of all growth, creation, birth of offspring and agriculture. The days under the influence of this constellation are ideal for starting construction work, buying land and getting married. It is believed that everyone who gets married on this day will acquire an important position in society and “get closer to the heart of the State.” For funerals, this day is unfavorable, because “there will be disasters and illnesses in the family for three years.” On the day of this constellation you cannot even visit the cemetery. The constellation in spring foretells favorable rains and winds, and in winter - rainy nights, followed by cold snaps. The genius of this constellation has the ability to neutralize snakes with its gaze.
The annual constellation correlates with the ancestors and the human soul.

Parents: Month 4: April - W/L. The day of the month is 3 (3).
W-man - Yang Water (Rat), L - Yang Earth (Dragon).

W-Rat. The rat was born under the sign of charm and aggressiveness. At first glance, she seems calm, balanced and cheerful. But don't believe it. Appearance hides constant excitement. It is enough to talk with her longer to discover her nervousness, anxiety and choleric temperament.
L-Dragon. He can connect his life with the Rat, because the amorous Rat will endure everything, even indifference. Of course, the Rat will take advantage of everything that the Dragon brings, in turn it will help him with its critical mind and love of money.

Pillars of Luck
The first Pillar of Luck for a person (man) begins in the 9 th year. The second and further plus about 10 years.
The pillar trunk (numerator) influences the first 5 years.
The earthly branch of the pillar (denominator) influences the second five years of the pillar.
The first pillar of luck - Number 9 y, w/f.

Pillars: w/f-9 y. =1955, T/F-19 =1965, t/e-29 =1975, F/M-39 =1985, f/m-49 =1995, L/E-59 =2005, l/w-69 =2015 , M/W-79 =2025, m/l-89 =2035, W/T-99 = 2045, w/t-109 =2055, T/L-119 =2065, t/f-129 =2075.

With age, the influence of the Pillars of Luck decreases.
Conclusion: In the Scheme of the 4 pillars of the Fate of this Personality, all the signs are Yang, heavenly. This means that the Personality will be concerned only with what is connected with creativity, but not with work on the earth. Personality is determined by the Element M-Metal. It is enough for the Personality to be strong.
There are a lot of Earth L = 2, E = 2. Land for Wildness, these are resources, education, (Generates Personality). This means the Personality will live in abundance.
There is also F-Fire, this is power and social position. (Subdues the Personality, destroys).
There is also W-Water, for the Personality this is intellect and education. (Generated by Personality).
The T-Tree element is absent in the Scheme, but in the Personality it must correspond to Wealth. (Subordinate to Personality). This means that the Money in the Personalitys accounts will not linger and will fall into the hands of others and not necessarily the poor.
The Stars and Pillars of Luck for the Personality do not threaten a cataclysm and are not against supporting the individual in life. But, there is a but. Anything can happen in life and there are dangerous moments that can change a person’s life, and not necessarily in a good way. Such periods will be from 2025 to 2045, etc. Since the M-Metal Personality has little of the F-Fire Element to destroy the Personality, the T-Tree Element can help him in this, which generates F-Fire and together they can destroy the Personality.
There is also M-Metal. He is responsible for competitors. These competitors can also negatively affect the Personality and shorten its life.

To this we can add the numbers of Numerology - 10206 04 05 this year.
One 1 People with one unit in the map “stand on their feet” well.
One 2 People with only one deuce in the card think more about their daily bread.
One 4 One four in the card means logic, caution, rationality. These qualities can be used in various areas of life, which are indicated by other numbers on the card.
One 5 People with one A are emotionally balanced and instinctively make the right decisions. If one five is accompanied by a two, a person is more inclined to realize the negative side of his abilities.
One 6 People with one six are lucky in little things. The creative potential of a person with one six is ​​often directed towards his own home. Such a person is a good man, loves to live and work in pleasant conditions. Having become rich, he begins to help less fortunate people.
1. Arrow of emotional balance (4-5-6). These are compassionate, caring people who often choose a job where they need to help others. Sensitive, intuitive, they understand the needs of other people. They look shy, especially when they are young. In childhood - calm and soft.

You can add Nine Palace Astrology - Year Number, Month Number and House Number.

Man - 2 (4) - 3 (3) - 2 (8)
Number of the year 2
Color: Black, Element: Earth.
People born in the year of the Black Two are reliable, balanced and thoughtful. They, as a rule, are sociable and love social activities, and work well in a team. They do not expect mercy from Fate and work hard to achieve their goals. Therefore, “Twos” are usually most prosperous in the later stages of their lives. They are stubborn and resistant to change. It is difficult for them to delegate important matters to someone else, because they are too demanding and convinced that no one can cope with the task better than them. "Twos" are attentive to details. They really need recognition from others and they will work long and hard, seeking sufficient approval and attention as a reward for their efforts. They love to eat delicious food and tend to gain weight as they age. Two is a Yin, or female number.
The number of the year affects the period of a person’s life after 40 years.

Day of the month 3
Color: Azure, Element: Tree.
Those born in the year of the Laser Tree are emotional people, idealists. They are intelligent, although often superficial: they receive an external, not deep understanding of the subject, but a shallow understanding. They are great. Tree-"Troikas" are ambitious and often achieve success at a young age. These are impulsive natures with enormous energy potential. However, this energy is sometimes “scattered over the surface” by them.
Very emotional, they can become very angry when their plans are thwarted. Although they usually strive for marriage, Threes always remain independent in essence. The love of independence is also manifested in the fact that they usually prefer to open their own business rather than work for someone else. In a team, the ideal position for them is as an “idea generator.” It is difficult for them to save money because they love to have a good time too much and are also very generous. Three is a Yang (strong) number.
The number of the month affects the period of a person’s life from 20 to 40 years.

House number 2
Element: Earth, color: Black, direction: Southwestern.
House 2 This is a time of slow and even progress. You will begin to have more luck and you will feel that all aspects of your life are in order. However, you still need to be careful and attentive. Wait for your time and avoid making hasty decisions. This is not the best time to start something new, but you can develop and stabilize what you have already started. Seek advice from those around you if you are unsure about something.
Stress is possible during this period, so spend enough time relaxing and resting. Don't lose contact with loved ones, friends and relatives.
The number of the house affects the period of a person’s life up to 20 years.

Favorable positions: number 2: Earth - houses: 2 - 5 - 8 - 9, number 3: Tree - houses: 3 - 4 - 1.
Unfavorable positions: number 2: Earth - houses: 3 - 4 - 6 - 7, number 3: Tree - houses: 6 - 7 - 9.

You can add to everything the luck indicator - II.
II Chu - destruction.
Sweep away the evil! This is a day of cleansing. Take a bath, take a laxative. These are beneficial actions. Avoid wedding ceremonies, traveling and digging wells. This day is not favorable for organizational activities. Only cleaning, washing and body care are recommended. On this day you need to make an appointment with a doctor, ophthalmologist, or dentist. Dedicate it to your health. Sports activities: swimming, jogging - all these are beneficial actions.

Personality - Monkey

Day 06: - M/M - Monkey/Monkey, constellation 12.
M-Man. A monkey can achieve success in any field: politics, diplomacy, commerce, industry are no secret for it. She can take on anything. Allow herself everything, especially if she has a higher education. She can often achieve fame if she follows her calling. You just need to avoid verbal outpourings that can tire people. Despite some financial difficulties, the monkeys are in a generally good position.
M-Woman. She is independent and nothing can be imposed or inspired on her. She chooses it. She is a little scrupulous, does not hesitate to be dishonest and lie when it is necessary for her business. She can commit dishonest acts if she is sure of impunity, because Monkeys are easy to catch. For some Monkeys, such flexible consciousness leads to theft, but not all of them are thieves or liars. No matter what happens, don’t get too angry with her, because. She is charming and very good at pleasing art.

Constellation 12 Danger.
In general, the negative value is unfavorable.
Element moon. Planet of the Moon. The day is a monday. Lively martlet.
The Trap is controlled by accessories, secondary compartments and earthen shafts. In general, any kind of construction work is necessary when it is consumable. Days of this Constellation (every fourth monday) are covered with accessories for those who are on the road. It is important to avoid starting these trips these days, as long as you are comfortable with the risk of bandits, and the ships can be swept away. It is better to be limited to these matters, which you can do on one place; for example, repair a house.
The day constellation correlates with a person’s personality and will accompany him throughout his life.

Conclusion: Constellation of year 1 is favorable, but diseases are also possible that could have been avoided if the Personality had not been strong. Constellation of day 12 - unfavorable. (disagreements, disputes in the family, conflicts in society). But that's not the main thing. It says that the Personality must work in the sphere where there are: belt-overcoat-suitcase-station, and today here, and tomorrow there. If you can’t work on the land, protect those who can do it, protect the people through whom you will live. The Stars and Pillars of Luck for the Personality do not threaten a cataclysm and are not against supporting the individual in life. But, there is a but. Anything can happen in life and there are dangerous moments that can change a person’s life and not necessarily in a good way. Such periods will be: 2025 to 2045, etc.
The constellations under which a person was born will influence the person and his spirituality. Taking into account their influence, the individual’s life will take place on relatively flat terrain, i.e. without insurmountable problems. The position of the individual in the future will be determined by the son.

Hour of birth: 19:00-21:00 min. Pillar of the hour: L/E.
Heavenly trunk - Yang Land L-Dragon - son.
Earth branch - Yang Earth E-Red Dog - daughter.

L-Dragon. He is sensitive. The Dragon often worries for the wrong reasons. His desire for improvement makes him demanding of himself, as well as of others. He is meticulous. He demands a lot, but brings much more.
E-Dog. Always restless, always on guard, never resting, she is always on the alert. She is protecting. The dog is closed, it is often stubborn to the extreme. She is often a cynic and is feared for her harsh and unpleasant remarks. The dog often has a tendency to get bogged down in details, to criticize for or without reason, to look for any break in systematicity or order. In fact, he is a big pessimist. She doesn't expect anything from life. She boldly acts against all injustice. She is a skeptic, she has a critical mind. A sense of humor and the undeniable greatness of her soul save her from pettiness. She doesn't like any kind of crowd gatherings.

General conclusion: The Monkey was born in a difficult time and will have to solve many problems related to the outside world. But, as a person with self-control and sufficient determination, with the support of people close to her, she will be able to live and work for the benefit of herself and her family.
The fate of this person largely depends on her actions. Before doing anything, you need to think thoroughly about everything. This person’s main assistants in resolving wealth issues will be his wife and son.
In the Scheme of the Fate of a Personality, only Yang Elements, celestial, are present. Therefore, this part of the Personality’s life will be favorable to her for quite a long time. There are no yin, earthly elements. And this will create a problem for the Personality: health, money, relationships with people. These problems will negatively affect the life of the Personality (2025-2055). Since 2050, a person moves into another form of existence at the age of about 104 years.